5月9号 晚上9点 游戏维护

猫久 2018-5-9 2032


      北京时间:5月9号 晚上9点  -  5月10号早上3点     共6小时



      更新195版本 品克缤的生活





  • An issue where the Friend Request pop-up text was too long will be fixed.
  • An issue where the description on the Mix Dye Coupon Ticket wasn't clear will be fixed.
  • An issue where the Rabbit Soap Shooter was appearing in front of the character's hand will be fixed.
  • An issue where the Mysterious Magician's dialogue was incorrect when selecting the option 'What are Soul Weapons?' will be fixed.
  • An issue where the Dragon Rider quest couldn't be completed will be fixed.
  • An issue where the Onyx Maple Arm Cannon had graphical issues will be fixed.
  • An issue where Eileen's dialogue was incorrect during the quest 'The love flows with Maple Chat!' will be fixed.
  • An issue where the 1000 Reward Points Token had an incorrect description will be fixed.
  • An issue where Chief Tatamo's dialogue was incorrect during the quest 'Dragon's Perfume Bottle' will be fixed.
  • An issue where Programmer Simon repeated the reward breakdown will be fixed.
  • An issue where the Bichon Paw weapon was appearing in front of the character's hand will be fixed.
  • An issue where searching for Snail Hunting Ground in the World Map and selecting the results would crash the client will be fixed.
  • An issue where searching for Deep Forest in the World Map and selecting the results would crash the client will be fixed.
  • An issue where searching for Mushroom Town in the World Map and selecting the results would crash the client will be fixed.
  • An issue where the Fish Fountain art was misaligned in the Event Hall will be fixed.
  • An issue where the text on the pop-up invitation to use chairs was cut-off will be fixed.
  • An issue where the 30k Maple Point Gift Certificate was missing the 'Untradeable' text will be fixed.
  • An issue where using the 10k Maple Point Coupon would result in untranslated text appearing in chat will be fixed.
  • An issue where the 13th Anniversary Random Damage Skin Box had the incorrect damage skin name for the Music Power Damage Skin will be fixed.
  • An issue where Siren Hair had a graphical issue will be fixed.
  • An issue where untranslated text would appear on Miroku's attack bar will be fixed.
  • An issue where Catterton's Face (White) could not be saved will be fixed.
  • An issue where opening Nodestones with a full inventory would result in untranslated text appearing will be fixed.
  • An issue where the 'Gun Booster' skill for the Gunslinger mentioned having a bow equipped will be fixed.
  • An issue where the quest log text for 'Investigating Hieizan' was formatted incorrectly will be fixed.
  • An issue where the Fishing error message didn't explain the error will be fixed.
  • An issue where the Swishing Kitty Tail was not showing properly on the character will be fixed.
  • An issue where the 'Updraft' skill could be used while under the effects of Rune of Might will be fixed.
  • An issue where the meso count was clipping within Zero's weapon UI will be fixed.
  • An issue where Ayame's dialogue had a spelling error while on the quest  'A New Warrior Appears' will be fixed.
  • An issue where Zipangu was missing from the World Map will be fixed.
  • An issue where the quest 'Takeda Shingen's Request' had formatting issues will be fixed.
  • An issue where the quest 'Regards, Takeda Shingen' had formatting issues will be fixed.
  • An issue where the 'Nebulite Fusion' skill had duplicate text will be fixed.
  • An issue where the Gentle Bunny Ears Hat had an incorrect name will be fixed.
  • An issue where players could not complete the quest '[The Afterlands] The God of Battle' due to certain daily quest reset mechanics will be fixed.
  • An issue where Chaos Von Bon lost audio while jumping will be fixed.
  • An issue where the Default Group in the friend list could disappear will be fixed.
  • An issue where the MapleStory logo was not updated in the Cash Shop will be fixed.
  • An issue where the Sweetwater Lucent Gauntlets could not be placed in the Transposition UI will be fixed.
  • An issue where random client freezing could happen from controllers and other devices will be fixed.
  • An issue where the Professional Camera from the Eluna event could not be removed from your inventory will be fixed. You can now consume the item to remove it.
  • An issue where Black Heaven Act 3 was showing an incorrect cutscene will be fixed.
  • An issue where Fishing could fail with a chat error when having over 9,999,999,999 mesos will be fixed.
  • An issue where The Boss of Showa Town was inconsistent with other bosses in the game will be fixed. The clear count of The Boss will now reset at 12:00 AM UTC.
  • An issue where the Ninja Castle questline was referencing removed content will be fixed.
  • An issue where the quest '[Stellar Detectives] The Galaxy's Finest' had incorrect text will be fixed.
  • An issue where the Bunny Snowman Attacker weapon cover could not be equipped over Cadena weapons will be fixed.
  • An issue where some Mechanical Hearts items had incorrect item names will be fixed.
  • An issue where using Royal Face Coupons did not count towards the 'Aging Gracefully' achievement will be fixed.
  • An issue where the Violin weapon cover had the wrong description will be fixed.
  • An issue where Cadena's weapon from the Maple Black set had an incorrect name will be fixed.
  • An issue where Illium's weapon from the Black set (aka Frozen gear) had an incorrect name will be fixed.


最后于 2021-1-11 被猫久编辑 ,原因:
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